Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Season of Change

Interesting journey I’m embarking on … the blogging world.  I’ve stayed as far from it as possible, but we’re entering into a season where my sanity will be tested time and time again.  Running has always been a good outlet for stress, but I will also need a way to “vocalize” my worries and fears and to remind myself who is in charge of this season in life.  Blogging seems like a nice outlet – almost like a prayer journal for all the world to see.

God allows seasons to take place for us to see a visual display of His work in our lives.  Seeds are amazing, living things.  When they are not actively growing, they are in full bloom, dying off or lying dormant.  I find that I, too, do that with the Lord.  If I’m not growing in Him, I’m blossoming, dying off or just lying dormant.  The last few years have been seasons of growth for me; I’ve grown deeper in my knowledge of the Word, fallen more in Love with my Savior and been blessed with friendships that both edify and strengthen that pruning process that makes true growth possible.  Jesus used so many visual parables – the mustard seed, the fig tree, the seeds on the ground.  God created the plants on the 3rd day of creation – before he created one tiny animal or Adam and Eve, he thought of how we would need to survive.

Knowing this, it’s awesome to know that the Creator of the Universe, my Jehovah Father, will walk with me through every season of life.  It’s not easy knowing a dark, wintery season is ahead of me.  I want the fullness of spring – fresh blooms, buds popping out of the dark, damp soil, tasting fresh air after a long, dreary winter.  I desire to see the heat of summer with full, vibrant blossoms glimmering in the sunshine.  I even envy the cooler nights of the fall season where it’s not cold enough to completely die off, but where we know what lies ahead.  I guess, that is where I’m at, actually.  I’m in the coolness of fall, knowing what lies ahead of me and how a part of my heart will lie dormant until the warmth of the spring season returns.
I’m not into this seasonal change, just yet.  I’m just reflecting upon what I know is to come and how I will adjust my mind to accept.  I will constantly use the Bible to encourage me, even though I’ll want to take on an Eyeore-like attitude.  Instead of looking deep within me for the answers, “I’ll lift my eyes to the hills; where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, maker of heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:1-2) Why will I do this?  Because “He will not allow [my] foot to slip; He who keeps [me] will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. (Psalm 121:3-4) I know that the Lord, who gave me my springs and summers is going to sustain me and help me through my falls and winters.  So, when my mind starts to fear the winter season ahead, my God reminds me that He NEVER sleeps; like the plants do in wintertime; like my heart does when it retreats from fear and pain; like my body does in weariness and stress.  My God will never sleep nor slumber.  And that fact alone allows me to rest in the season I’m in and trust God completely.

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